Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

This Halloween we began the day with a festival and ended it with passing out candy. We thought that trick-or-treating would not work this year. Isabella is still at the age where she can't eat candy anyway. The festival was in Folsom. They had vendors and all sorts of other things set up along the streets. There were kids walking all around it cute costumes. We mostly roamed around and looked at things. Isabella really liked all of the dogs that she saw, though she wouldn't pet them. A few people gave her candy. She got a box of Nerds as her first Halloween treat. She carried that box of Nerds around for at least an hour. She didn't attempt to open it or chew on it. She just liked to look at it and listen to the sounds it made when she shook it.

After the festival we went out to dinner. We went to Red Robin. Isabella took off her costume and decided to draw a little. I couldn't resist taking a few snapshots. She is looking so grown up right now.

Then we took a short trip to Costco and headed back home. Once we were home we passed out candy to all of the trick-or-treaters. Isabella squealed every time she heard someone coming to the door. She was so cute standing by the door. She said "Hi!" to several of the trick-or-treaters when they came to the door. She also said "Bye bye," as they left. She was so patient just sitting by the door. She didn't try to run out the door. She just stood there in awe of all the kids in their costumes. For a while the two of us sat at the door and she began to count the packages of candy. She pulled all of them out of the bowl one by one. Then she put them all back in, one by one. She made an attempt to count them..which goes something like this, " One, two, five. One, two, one two". This occupied her for at least a half hour.

Here are a few pictures from the day.
Getting ready

Playing around

Walking to the festival

Two pumpkins

Walking with daddy

First Halloween candy..Nerds

With Mommy

Coloring at Red Robin

More coloring

Getting ready for trick-or-treaters

Again..the Nerds..she loved this little box

I don't like hats! This hat was a fight..unless she was distracted

My favorite of the evening

A little blurry..but oh so cute!

Waiting for more kids

Our pumpkin at the front door

Waiting patiently at the door

Where are those kids?

It's kind of hard to sit with this costume on Mom!

Here's your candy

"One, two, five. One, two, one two"


Pull them out of the bowl..put them in the bowl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's too funny! How cute! :D

I'm surprised she didn't try to throw the Nerds on the ground!
