Saturday, March 22, 2008

Extreme Joy

So our little bundle has finally arrived! On Monday March 17th I woke up to signs that it was the day. My water had broken. We quickly drove to the hospital, excited and anxious. I was surprised that I was going into labor on my actual due date. That rarely ever happens. The statistics are very low that you will actually deliver on your due date.

They started me on Pitocin immediately and labor began. After about 5 hours of labor, they decided to do an ultrasound. The labor was uncomfortable at best, but not unmanageable. After the ultrasound they guessed that my baby might weigh up to 10 lbs. Doctors were concerned about her size. My doctor recommended that I have a c-section. It was scarry to think of going into surgery. It was especially scarry since I have never been in the hospital as an adult, and
have never had surgery before.

The c-section was quick, at least the first part of it. It was a matter of minutes before the baby was delivered. They brought her around so that I could see her. Then they took her to a table to assess her and clean her up. I could see the whole process as I looked over my shoulder. She was pink and had chubby little cheeks. Upon weighing her, they found that she wasn't 10 lbs., but 8 lbs. 12 oz. So their original assessment was incorrect. It didn't matter at the time though. She was there and healthy and that's all that counts.

Luigi got to hold our Isabella for the first time. He brought her up to me so that I could see her. I stroked her cheek and told her I loved her. Then he was allowed to take the baby out in the hall to greet her Papa, Mae Mae, Auntie Lynne, and Uncle Jonathan who were all waiting in the hall. Luigi got to take some pictures while they cleaned her up and while everyone got to hold her in the hall.

I can't believe how amazing motherhood is. It is exciting and fullfilling yet at the same time scarry. I can't believe I am a mom. I can't believe that I have such an amazing and beautiful child. I can't believe the feeling that I have when I look at my husband and realize that we are now a family. No longer just the two of us, but now it is three.

So that is my baby story. Isabella and mommy are doing well. We were able to come home on Thursday and are so happy to be home. Isabella is a wonderful child. So far she is very quiet and happy. I can't help but stare at her in awe. That's it for now, hope everyone is happy and healthy.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

1 Week?

So I am about 1 week away from my due date. The waiting and anticipation is the hardest part. It is much harder to get around with each day. I know the aches and pains will be worth it in the end. However, I am going stir crazy and can't really do anything while I wait. So I read, watch a lot of television, go on the Internet, and wait. Luigi has been really good about taking care of me. He makes sure I am eating and comfortable. What a sweet guy! The doctor says I am doing very well for a first time mom. I have already started to dilate, so it is just a matter of time. We will see. That's it for this week. Hope all is well.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Two Weeks Left

After the completion of this week I will have two more weeks until my due date. I am growing much more uncomfortable each day. Walking and standing bring on a pressure that make it difficult to get around. The baby has dropped and is pushing on my pelvis, which hurts quite a bit. I am ok if I am sitting or laying down. So needless to say I have been staying home quite a bit and resting a lot. The doctor says that I am at a good point for a first time mom.

We had another ultrasound this week. The doctor wanted to get an accurate baby weight. I was so sick the week before I lost a bit of weight. But the baby weight seems fine. While we were there we asked the technician if she could tell if it was a boy or girl. She said that her guess was a girl. So now we are debating baby names. We have three names in mind: Isabella Viola, Sophia Viola, or Mia Viola. Hopefully by D day we will have our minds made up.

That's about it for now. Hope eveyone is happy and healthy.
