Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

This Halloween we began the day with a festival and ended it with passing out candy. We thought that trick-or-treating would not work this year. Isabella is still at the age where she can't eat candy anyway. The festival was in Folsom. They had vendors and all sorts of other things set up along the streets. There were kids walking all around it cute costumes. We mostly roamed around and looked at things. Isabella really liked all of the dogs that she saw, though she wouldn't pet them. A few people gave her candy. She got a box of Nerds as her first Halloween treat. She carried that box of Nerds around for at least an hour. She didn't attempt to open it or chew on it. She just liked to look at it and listen to the sounds it made when she shook it.

After the festival we went out to dinner. We went to Red Robin. Isabella took off her costume and decided to draw a little. I couldn't resist taking a few snapshots. She is looking so grown up right now.

Then we took a short trip to Costco and headed back home. Once we were home we passed out candy to all of the trick-or-treaters. Isabella squealed every time she heard someone coming to the door. She was so cute standing by the door. She said "Hi!" to several of the trick-or-treaters when they came to the door. She also said "Bye bye," as they left. She was so patient just sitting by the door. She didn't try to run out the door. She just stood there in awe of all the kids in their costumes. For a while the two of us sat at the door and she began to count the packages of candy. She pulled all of them out of the bowl one by one. Then she put them all back in, one by one. She made an attempt to count them..which goes something like this, " One, two, five. One, two, one two". This occupied her for at least a half hour.

Here are a few pictures from the day.
Getting ready

Playing around

Walking to the festival

Two pumpkins

Walking with daddy

First Halloween candy..Nerds

With Mommy

Coloring at Red Robin

More coloring

Getting ready for trick-or-treaters

Again..the Nerds..she loved this little box

I don't like hats! This hat was a fight..unless she was distracted

My favorite of the evening

A little blurry..but oh so cute!

Waiting for more kids

Our pumpkin at the front door

Waiting patiently at the door

Where are those kids?

It's kind of hard to sit with this costume on Mom!

Here's your candy

"One, two, five. One, two, one two"


Pull them out of the bowl..put them in the bowl

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We went to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch for a second year in a row. This time I think that Isabella enjoyed it much more. Here are a few pictures of the day.

Petting the animals...she was scared at first, but found it interesting later.
Playing in the hay

Walking with Auntie Lynne

Lots of pumpkins


Walking with daddy

Waiting for the train

On the train

A little squirrely before the ride

Round the bend

Sitting with daddy

Let me out of here


"Hi you!" Isabella's favorite thing to say

Sunflower field

With daddy

With Auntie Lynne

With mommy

Pumpkin time

What's this?


We're tired!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day of Fun

This Saturday we had Maddy and Carter with us. We decided we would go to the park and do a few other fun things. We ate lunch at home (peanut butter and jelly of course!). Then we walked to the park. The park is about half a mile from our house. Then we played there for a while. Maddy and Carter loved the swings and slides. Isabella loved playing in the wood chips. She wanted to throw them and pile them up on the play equipment.
After the park we stopped by Marble Slab. Marble Slab is like a Cold Stone. They mix the ice cream on a marble slab. Maddy had cake batter ice cream with Oreos. Carter wanted strawberry ice cream with sprinkles.
After ice cream we walked back home. I had some stickers in my art cabinet that were Halloween stickers. They had pumpkins, bats, ghosts, and a few other things in them. So I let the kids do some art with the Halloween stickers.
After that I found some cornstarch in my cupboard and decided to let the kids play with goo. I had them put on a couple of old shirts of mine and let them dig into the goo. After that and a little clean up, their parents were here to pick them up.
Here are some pictures of the days festivities................
Maddy was really thirsty all day. I personally think she just wanted to drink out of the huge water jug we brought for them.
Climbing high. Carter squealed when he got to the top and he declared, " I am taller than everyone in the world!"The three kids playing side by side. And surprise...Maddy had the water jug!Isabella..our little sweetheart!Isabella likes these little spinning discs at the park. The kids kept shouting, "Higher Uncle Lou! Higher!"Isabella didn't really like the swings. She whined to get out.I think slides were their favorite part of the park. When they came down the slides they were full of static electricity. Lou got shocked more than once grabbing their hands when they came down.Maddy on the spinning thing.Maddy on the slide posing.This is a giant web at the park. Unfortunately the kids had on flip flops. So climbing around on the web just didn't seem safe. Carter on the spinning thing.Ice cream at Marble Slab. Cookies and cream and strawberry with sprinkles.Halloween art. Carter was proud that he had a blue ghost. He also had a matching blue haunted house.Maddy was very meticulous about lining up her stickers.Playing with goo. It's a mixture of cornstarch and water. They loved pouring it over their hands and watching it ooze out the bottom.More goo fun.