Saturday, April 18, 2009


For Easter this year we had to decide what traditions we wanted to introduce to Isabella. I remember as a child the anticipation of Easter morning. We would wake up and see what the Easter bunny left in our baskets. We would frantically search for the hidden easter eggs. I also remember the fun of coloring and decorating the Easter eggs before the day arrived. Even though Isabella is still a little young to understand or even care about the traditions, we thought that it would be nice to introduce that to her and see her reactions. We took many photos along the way.

Isabella in her bunny ears. Luigi scoffed when I said that I wanted to buy these silly ears. Then I saw a friend online who had done the same thing with her kids. I knew it would make for some cute pictures..always a plus, but she actually left them on and didn't pull them off. Lately she doesn't really like to have anything on her head. She can't stand hats and hates it when I do her hair in a ponytail. So keeping this thing on her head was a real surprise to me.

We decorated Easter eggs in all kinds of colors. It has been such a long time since I have decorated Easter eggs. We went for the basic colors this year. It is amazing how many different kinds of Easter egg kits they sell at the store now. I saw marbled, sponged, swirled, metallic, bubbled, and a few different other kinds of kits. So I went for a little more traditional. I remember using the basic colors and being very happy when I was a child. But I can see in the future, once Isabella has a say, that we will probably be picking out the less traditional.

The day before Easter we tried out our first Easter egg hunt. Luigi was going fishing with Jonathan on Sunday morning, so we decided that we would try this out on Saturday. That way Luigi was able to see Isabella's first egg hunt experience. We used plastic eggs for obvious reasons. Isabella liked banging the eggs together. She also tried to eat them.

Put them in the basket! Or take them back out? She wasn't sure what to do with these strange things.

Take them out I guess?!

Yeah Easter eggs!

My stepsister Connie invited us over for Easter Sunday. The kids were all excited about the Easter egg hunt. We also celebrated Emily's 9th birthday and Papa's 62 nd birthday. The kids went on an awesome Easter egg hunt with what seemed like at least a hundred eggs. It was neat to see the anticipation before they began the Easter egg hunt. All of the kids lined up at the door in age order. Isabella went first and was happy with her two eggs. the other kids ran around and gathered as many eggs as they could find. You can see them running around the huge yard, checking in every place they think the eggs might be hidden.

Oh...the anticipation!

Here are some other random pics from the day!

New Easter outfit, handmade by Grandma!