Sunday, July 6, 2008


Isabella went on her first trip last week. We went to Southern California to visit. She got to visit her Grandma, her aunties, and lots and lots of cousins. She actually handled the driving trip very well. Being in a car for 9-10 hours is tough on a 3 month old. But she handled it like a trooper.
We stayed with cousins Mary and Louie. She got to meet all sorts of relatives. She was passed around and loved for 6 full days. We were always busy and on the go. At times she was a little cranky, but for the most part she handled all the attention pretty well too.

Here are a few pictures of our first traveling adventure and meeting her Southern California relatives. Until next time.

1 comment:

Deanna Milne said...

You came to SoCal and didn't tell me??? What's up with that? I could have driven the 65-80 miles north to come see you! Stinker! :) :)